Saturday, April 10, 2010

So, how did you sleep?

Last night I had a sleep study. For those of you who have never had the joy of feeling like a pasty, constricted robot, let me enlighten you.

I walk in and nobody is there, just one medical technician. It's about 8:40pm. She takes me to my room where I change(in the bathroom, not the room....there are cameras there watching you in the room, which would be perfect for perverts). Then she starts hooking me up to all these electrodes. I had four on my legs, two on my chest, one on my neck, one behind each ear, four or five on my face, and several in my hair. To get them to stick on my ears and scalp, she had to put this gross gluey paste in my hair, but I think she used way too much cuz it came off in globs when I had to leave.

So anyway, you're all hooked up and feeling like a robot, then you lay down and on goes the C-PAP machine(that's a machine that helps you breath at night). I had had to get one two years ago because of some medical stuff I was dealing with, I had gained a lot of weight which was making me snore, so I had to get this machine so I could breath well at night. But over the course of these two years, I have lost over 40lbs. and don't need as near as much air as that thing is pumping into me. That's why we went in in the first place.

Once you're all situated in bed, the lady leaves the room and goes to the camera to watch you. She lists out some commands for you to do to make sure she can see and hear you well, in case you need help in the night. I had to move my eyes, clench my jaw, and probably the most awkward thing was "make snoring or humming noises". Last time I was there I made snoring noises....yeah. Embarrassing. So I chose to hum this time. Still incredibly awkward. But, I got it out of the way without feeling like a complete idiot.

So then she comes in, turns on the machine, and you go to sleep. It's probably 10:00 or so by now. I actually fell asleep fairly quickly this time. However, at around, I'm guessing 3:00 or so in the morning, I feel that my mask is really wet and it's dripping water everywhere. I think it was because I had cleaned it right before I went to bed and it didn't get to fully dry. But anyway that was really annoying and it kept waking me up, but there was nothing I could do, so the last two hours of the study I slept horribly.

Then at 5:00 they came in and woke me up and started taking all the electrodes off. They left it up to me to rip all the adhesives off my face. Which hurt. A lot. It was then that I first felt the goop behind my ears. It was like a hunk of candle wax or something. Totally. Disgusting. So I washed that off as best as I could and then went on the hunt for all the goop in my insanely thick hair. That was not fun.

They had me fill out a questionairre before I left, which made me laugh. They had a question on there out of a 1-10 you had to circle "how well did you sleep?". And I'm thinking....well, considering I only slept for maybe 5 hours, not even a consistent 5hours...I slept horrible! What did you think?! Then they asked if I slept better or worse than normal. Now I'm really chuckling, because what in the world is normal about sleeping with electrodes and plugs hooked up to you to where you can't turn on your side or anything? So of course I put "worse"....much much worse. Then I finally got checked out at around 5:30. I drove home, immediately got in the shower to wash my hair and get all the crap out of it, and then got ready to go back to bed at 6:38a.m. However, by this time I was feeling alert, even though I slept horribly, so I stayed up for awhile and watched Twilight...which I will post about later, because that movie is so ridiculous. Then I fell asleep on the couch in a funny position that gave me a neck cramp when I woke up, and I had strange dreams about my cat. Hmmm.

So yeah, I woke up this morning at 9:15 still feeling sleepy, in fact I might go lay down for a little bit here in a minute if I can. But then I gotta get back on the job hunt, but more on that later.

Hope your night wasn't as rough or robotic as mine.


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